Larson Scenix Windows were used for this project. Re-studding of the screens was completed, to maximize the view; changing from 4 windows on each side, to 3 windows each side. Custom fabrication of the upper triangle fixed glass panels, to stay uniform with the lower windows frame/ trim. Everything was trimmed with PVC composite board on the exterior, as well as trimming the rough joists with aluminum capping.

TYPE OF WINDOWS: Scenix Windows

Cost Average of project: $8,500 (includes windows, material and labor).

with customer fixed window cost, material and labor= $11,000

Time Frame for work completion: 3-4 days (Due to customer window templating)

How much to turn this room into a 4 Season Room? On average it can cost anywhere from $15,000-$25,000. It depends on where the HVAC unit is located in the house and if it can be run into that room OR if a new unit will be needed.

